-------------------------PART 1 --------------------------------
Alan Richardson
During my long career as a Referee, Instructor and Mentor, I have come into
contact with many coaches from around the world of basketball. Recently, I have
had some excellent discussions with top coaches, especially working as FIBA
National team coaches and those coaches working in the Euroleague competitions.
In exchange for them remaining anonymous, I have resurrected an article from a
Referee Masterclass I wrote some years ago.
The foundation of basketball as a sport rests on four elements, which most directly influence the attained quality of the game: these elements make a chain consisting of inseparable rings. In case just one of these rings would get broken, the chain would lose the strength that it is expected to have.
1. Basketball rules/interpretations - defining the way of playing.
2. Coaches - teaching the players how to play.
3. Players - playing how they are taught to play.
4. Officials - applying the rules and controlling the game.
The definition of this chain points to a special importance of the coach-official relationship.
The characteristics of the coach should include: general education - teaching talent and skill/capacity; professional approach - knowledge of the game; proper approach - to the management, players and the competition. The coach should be present/there/ on hand, to estimate the situation, find the way how and lead the team to finally win the game.
The coach is a leader, but not the leader who commands "lets go to win", but the leader who takes a leading role in the team and gives them the incentive to "let's go, do your best and enjoy win or lose".
In modern basketball, the coach is assisted by teams of experts to make sure that by a proper evaluation and adequate preparation, all the prerequisites to play high quality basketball and win the game are met. Nothing is taken for granted nowadays; absolutely all the details are taken into consideration, the days of always winning at home or on the road have disappeared.
Feeling a need and in response to the actual interest in this topic from many top coaches, I have been trying to select the most appropriate approach to elaborate on it, and finally I have come to a conclusion that the best way to achieve the desired effect is to be sincere and explicit; but nobody knows everything.
For that reason, when it comes to the pre-game officials-coach relationship, we should point out the following:
1. The majority of coaches want to know who is going to officiate their game.
2. More than a few coaches enquire with the club/team management if they have "competent and favourable" officials will be officiating.
3. From the the moment the coach knows who the officials are to officiate the game they start to analyse the experience that they had with the team of officials in previous games.
1. Their previous experience and relationship with the particular coach and players.
2. Whether any of the officials had any difficulties or, on the contrary, good relations with the coach or the venue.
3. What are the most favourable tactical options of the coaches.
All the things that are not directly linked with the game, i.e. all their relationships, friendships, conflicts, personal dislikes of specific coaches; the officials should put completely aside and separate from what is related to the game and its officiating.
Recent seasons have revealed a new tendency in the officials-coach relationship i.e. a reduced effect of the officiating itself on the occurrence of problems on one hand and the increased effect of the personal official-coach relationship on the occurrence of these problems on the other hand.
The first contact/communication with the coach just before the start of the game is a first step, and often, the most important one in establishing a correct/right official-coach relationship.
1. The first contact should be dignified, courteous, considerate, polite and respectful.
2. Discussions on press/media/public statements (if any) which one or both have been mentioned should be avoided.
3.Details related to a particular recent game should also not be discussed.
4. It is necessary to bear in mind that the opposing team coach or members also watch carefully every gesture and rapport during the official-coach encounter.
After the players on the court, the coaches and the officials are those who are the centre of attention. In other words, they are persons whose functions are definitely public. All their decisions, actions/motions, gestures/body language and verbal communications can be precisely registered and commented upon by journalists, TV and social media after the game.
It would be best that the positions of the officials and coaches such as " I will call everything that I can see" ; " this official is taking the game away from us"; should be left in the locker room or even better, not said.
When speaking about the officials-coach relationship, our wish is that this relationship results in a joint/shared, harmonised/synchronised and in its character/nature an effective/fruitful "WE" on the court.
The coaches as well as the players are extremely intelligent people and that is why officials are required to establish their own standards in the game as soon as possible i.e. to show everyone in the game what will be allowed/acceptable/tolerated and what will not be allowed/tolerated in that game.The next step forward which is indispensable is CONSISTENCY. The intelligence of coaches and players is then activated, along with their tactical and adaptation/adjustment abilities.
This should result in a well done job/good quality performance that brings satisfaction that is in itself something that is not a function (does not depend on) a victory or defeat.
In Part 2. I will discuss some of the realities when problems occur (and they do)
The foundation of basketball as a sport rests on four elements, which most directly influence the attained quality of the game: these elements make a chain consisting of inseparable rings. In case just one of these rings would get broken, the chain would lose the strength that it is expected to have.
1. Basketball rules/interpretations - defining the way of playing.
2. Coaches - teaching the players how to play.
3. Players - playing how they are taught to play.
4. Officials - applying the rules and controlling the game.
The definition of this chain points to a special importance of the coach-official relationship.
The characteristics of the coach should include: general education - teaching talent and skill/capacity; professional approach - knowledge of the game; proper approach - to the management, players and the competition. The coach should be present/there/ on hand, to estimate the situation, find the way how and lead the team to finally win the game.
The coach is a leader, but not the leader who commands "lets go to win", but the leader who takes a leading role in the team and gives them the incentive to "let's go, do your best and enjoy win or lose".
In modern basketball, the coach is assisted by teams of experts to make sure that by a proper evaluation and adequate preparation, all the prerequisites to play high quality basketball and win the game are met. Nothing is taken for granted nowadays; absolutely all the details are taken into consideration, the days of always winning at home or on the road have disappeared.
Feeling a need and in response to the actual interest in this topic from many top coaches, I have been trying to select the most appropriate approach to elaborate on it, and finally I have come to a conclusion that the best way to achieve the desired effect is to be sincere and explicit; but nobody knows everything.
For that reason, when it comes to the pre-game officials-coach relationship, we should point out the following:
1. The majority of coaches want to know who is going to officiate their game.
2. More than a few coaches enquire with the club/team management if they have "competent and favourable" officials will be officiating.
3. From the the moment the coach knows who the officials are to officiate the game they start to analyse the experience that they had with the team of officials in previous games.
1. Their previous experience and relationship with the particular coach and players.
2. Whether any of the officials had any difficulties or, on the contrary, good relations with the coach or the venue.
3. What are the most favourable tactical options of the coaches.
All the things that are not directly linked with the game, i.e. all their relationships, friendships, conflicts, personal dislikes of specific coaches; the officials should put completely aside and separate from what is related to the game and its officiating.
Recent seasons have revealed a new tendency in the officials-coach relationship i.e. a reduced effect of the officiating itself on the occurrence of problems on one hand and the increased effect of the personal official-coach relationship on the occurrence of these problems on the other hand.
The first contact/communication with the coach just before the start of the game is a first step, and often, the most important one in establishing a correct/right official-coach relationship.
1. The first contact should be dignified, courteous, considerate, polite and respectful.
2. Discussions on press/media/public statements (if any) which one or both have been mentioned should be avoided.
3.Details related to a particular recent game should also not be discussed.
4. It is necessary to bear in mind that the opposing team coach or members also watch carefully every gesture and rapport during the official-coach encounter.
After the players on the court, the coaches and the officials are those who are the centre of attention. In other words, they are persons whose functions are definitely public. All their decisions, actions/motions, gestures/body language and verbal communications can be precisely registered and commented upon by journalists, TV and social media after the game.
It would be best that the positions of the officials and coaches such as " I will call everything that I can see" ; " this official is taking the game away from us"; should be left in the locker room or even better, not said.
When speaking about the officials-coach relationship, our wish is that this relationship results in a joint/shared, harmonised/synchronised and in its character/nature an effective/fruitful "WE" on the court.
The coaches as well as the players are extremely intelligent people and that is why officials are required to establish their own standards in the game as soon as possible i.e. to show everyone in the game what will be allowed/acceptable/tolerated and what will not be allowed/tolerated in that game.The next step forward which is indispensable is CONSISTENCY. The intelligence of coaches and players is then activated, along with their tactical and adaptation/adjustment abilities.
This should result in a well done job/good quality performance that brings satisfaction that is in itself something that is not a function (does not depend on) a victory or defeat.
In Part 2. I will discuss some of the realities when problems occur (and they do)
==============================ЧАСТЬ 1 ====================
Алан Ричардсон
За свою
долгую карьеру арбитра, инструктора и наставника я познакомился со многими
тренерами со всего мира баскетбола. В последнее время у меня было несколько
отличных бесед с топ-тренерами, особенно с тренерами национальной команды ФИБА
и с теми тренерами, которые работают в Евролиге. В обмен на то, что они
останутся анонимными, я воскресил статью из мастер-класса рефери, которую я
написал несколько лет назад.
В основе
баскетбола, как вида спорта, лежат четыре элемента, которые самым
непосредственным образом влияют на достигнутое качество игры: эти элементы
образуют цепь, состоящую из неразрывных колец. В случае, если только одно из
этих колец будет сломано, цепь потеряет силу, которую она должна иметь.
Баскетбольные Правила/Интерпретации - определение способа игры.
Тренеры-учат игроков, как играть.
Игроки-играют так, как их учат играть.
4. Судьи -
применяющие Правила и контролирующие игру.
этой цепочки указывает на особую важность отношений тренер-судья.
характеристикам тренера следует отнести: общее образование - педагогический
талант и умения/способности;
профессиональный подход - знание игры; правильный подход - к руководству, к игрокам
и соревнованиям. Тренер должен присутствовать/там / под рукой, чтобы оценить
ситуацию, найти способ, как и привести команду к окончательной победе в игре.
Тренер - это
лидер, но не тот лидер, который командует "Вперед, чтобы победить!",
а лидер, который берет на себя ведущую роль в команде и дает им стимул
"вперед, делайте все возможное и наслаждайтесь победой или
современном баскетболе тренеру помогают команды экспертов, которые следят за
тем, чтобы при правильной оценке и адекватной подготовке были выполнены все
предпосылки для того, чтобы играть в баскетбол высокого качества и выигрывать
игру. В наши дни ничто не принимается как должное, абсолютно все детали
принимаются во внимание, дни, когда всегда побеждали дома или на дороге,
потребность и в ответ на реальный интерес к этой теме со стороны многих
топ-тренеров, я пытался выбрать наиболее подходящий подход, чтобы развить его,
и, наконец, я пришел к выводу, что лучший способ достичь желаемого эффекта - быть
искренним и открытым; но никто не знает всего.
По этой
причине, когда речь заходит об отношениях между судьями и тренером перед игрой,
мы должны отметить следующее:
Большинство тренеров хотят знать, кто будет судить их игру.
2. Более чем
несколько тренеров спрашивают у руководства клуба / команды, есть ли у
них" компетентные и благоприятные " судьи, которые будут исполнять
обязанности на игре.
3. С того
момента, как тренер знает, кто будет судить игру, он начинает анализировать
опыт, который у него был с командой судей в предыдущих играх.
1. Их
предыдущий опыт и взаимоотношения с конкретным тренером и игроками.
2. Были ли у
кого-то из судей какие-то трудности или, наоборот, хорошие отношения с тренером
или местом проведения.
3. Назовите
наиболее выгодные тактические варианты тренеров.
Все то, что
не связано непосредственно с игрой, то есть все их отношения, дружеские
отношения, конфликты, личные антипатии конкретных тренеров, судьи должны
полностью отставить в сторону и отделить от того, что связано с игрой и ее
сезоны выявили новую тенденцию в отношениях между судьями и тренерами - снижение
влияния самого судейства на возникновение проблем, с одной стороны, и усиление
влияния личных отношений между судьями и тренерами на возникновение этих
проблем, с другой стороны.
контакт / общение с тренером непосредственно перед началом игры - это первый
шаг, и часто самый важный в установлении дальнейших отношений между судьёй и
1. Первый
контакт должен быть достойным, вежливым, внимательным, вежливым и уважительным.
2. Следует
избегать дискуссий о прессе/средствах массовой информации/публичных заявлениях
(если таковые имеются), о которых упоминалось выше.
связанные с конкретной недавней игрой, также не должны обсуждаться.
Необходимо иметь в виду, что тренер или члены команды противника также
внимательно следят за каждым жестом во
время такой встречи с тренером.
Наравне с
игроками на площадке, тренеры и судьи - это те, кто находится в центре
внимания. Другими словами, это люди, чьи функции определенно публичны. Все их
решения, действия/движения, жесты/Язык тела и вербальные коммуникации могут
быть точно зарегистрированы и прокомментированы журналистами, телевидением и
социальными сетями после игры.
чтобы позиции судей, такие как "я буду называть все, что я могу
видеть" ; "этот чиновник забирает у нас игру"; должны быть
оставлены в раздевалке или даже лучше, не высказывались.
Когда мы
говорим об отношениях между судьями и тренером, мы хотим, чтобы эти отношения
привели к совместному/общему, гармонизированному/синхронизированному и по
своему характеру/природе эффективному/плодотворному "мы" на площадке.
Тренеры, так
же как и игроки, чрезвычайно умные люди, и именно поэтому судьи обязаны как
можно скорее установить свои собственные стандарты в игре, то есть показать
всем в игре, Что будет позволено/приемлемо/терпимо, а что не будет
позволено/терпимо в этой игре. Следующий шаг вперед, который необходим - это
последовательность. Затем активизируется интеллект тренеров и игроков, а также
их тактические и адаптационные способности.
Это должно
привести к хорошо выполненной работе/качественному исполнению, которое приносит
удовлетворение, которое само по себе не является функцией (не зависит от)
победы или поражения.
В Части 2. Я
расскажу о некоторых реалиях, когда возникают проблемы (а они возникают).